Friday, March 27, 2009

You can never take the farm out of the farm girl!

Although Ainsley never lived on the farm she truly is a farm girl and if you ask her she will tell you the only thing important about a farm is that the tractor must be green! She has many fond memories of Gram and Pappy's farm and loves being a farm girl with daddy on our 'big' 10 acres. Now that spring has sprung, let the farming begin! Ainsley loves this work from home thing mom is doing - it means she gets to ride the 4-wheeler and feed the horses almost every day. It also means there is plenty of time to play with her puppy and ride the tractor! Oh, Ainsley and her Pop John (Deere). Its a good thing Shawn did such a great job restoring it. It will be in the family for many more than the 5 generations it has survived so far!

In the words of Ainsley "Go Green!"

1 comment:

  1. Amen about the tractor needing to be green. Nothin runs like a Deere
